The St. John Tradewinds newspaper released an update on the marina plans for Coral Bay, St. John.  “Officials of the Moravian Church are promising an announcement soon on the long-awaited marina proposal for their Coral Bay waterfront property which they assert stretches along the bay’s entire north shore from the ball field to behind Skinny Legs.” “While the Moravian church has been reasserting its claim over its property, a stateside developer has secured $1.27 million in federal funds for a marina at an undisclosed location on the south shore of Coral Bay.  The completely separate marina, “the Summers End marina”, will be located on the south shore of Coral Bay across from the Cocolobo commercial complex, a VI government official told St. John Tradewinds.”

Looking forward to  mutually respectful marinas!  Jane Kelly  photo courtesy of St. John Tradewinds & Steve Simonsen