One thing I can say about real estate on St. John, there is no doubt that as long as you have a water view, you have a beautiful view. Just drive around the island and you’ll see what I mean. Some of the views are so spectacular that we had to have pull off areas on the side of the roads so that you don’t wreck your car looking at the amazing views! I have to say that when I see the views from Estate Catherine, it really does take my breath away. We currently have 3 homes for sale ranging from $3.1 – $4.9M and 1 parcel of land listed for $1.5M. You can renovate a house, you can add a pool or bedroom but you can never change the view. For more information on the Catherineberg area or other questions you may have regarding real estate on St. John, please contact me at lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell 340-344-1825. Have a sunny day! Lynn