I am receiving a lot of inquiries on the Le Chateau property in Catherineberg and when it gets shown, most customers request to go back for a second look. It is truly a remarkable property.  We all have our opinions on pricing and this property is priced well at $3.5 million….period. Well I guess if you don’t like the area or the views, it’s not for you no matter the price but  most people I talk to that know the area agree it is one of the premier locations on St. John. It’s been a tough market for high end properties but I feel so confident that this property is priced well that I bet it goes under contract by the end of Summer (wager bets at email below!). Stay tuned to see if I’m right or wrong. My opinion comes from market statistics and I am glad to back it up and share them with you. For more information on sales history in Estate Catherineberg or other real estate opportunities on St. John, USVI, please contact me at lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell 340-344-1825. Have a sunny day! Lynn