
New to the St. John MLS is a 20 acre parcel at Estate Zootenvaal, located just east of Coral Bay and above beautiful Bork Creek which is part of Hurricane Hole.  A perfect use for this property is  a subdivision with perhaps 8 estate size lots with either private vacation homes or small village of rental villas.  National Park lands adjoin it on the north and east boundaries.  The views over pristine Hurricane Hole, a National Marine Monument,  are stunning. Listed at $7M

Also for sale is the Zootenvaal Cottages property.  This 5 acre waterfront parcel adjoins the 20 acres to the south and has 4 rental cottages and an office with 850 feet of waterfront and a beautiful white sand beach.  This property was just reduced from $14M to $12M.

 This pair of properties present an opportunity for a forward thinking buyer to secure one of the most unique sites on St. John.

For more information contact Merry  340 776-6666  merryvi@aol.com