
CHICAGO (Reuters) – According to a report seen on Reuters a larger-than-expected gains in U.S. housing prices and consumer confidence on Tuesday lent new weight to views that the economy is emerging from the longest recession since the 1930s.While we have seen an increase in confidence and sentiment some areas of the international property market will see higher degrees of activity and a firming or increasing in pricing above others. Real Estate remains like stocks an investment tool and performs better over the long term – – but unlike stocks real estate is also for pleasure and a place to live.

As property markets in depressed areas resurge, just like the ‘domino affect’ that had seen property shocks affect the world region by region and country by country, we will see real estate reversing the down trend and begin to join the economic cycle once again on the upward motion.

Now may be the ideal time to secure your place in Paradise  aka St. John, USVI

Call or E-mail me and I will be happy to help 

Merry  340 776-6666