Let’s keep that end of the rainbow thing going because I really like the Rendezvous & Ditleff area. We have 2 newer, developed neighborhoods that have amazing views. Ditleff Point development is fabulous! This gated, waterfront community has paved roads, underground utilites, beautiful stonework and deeded beach access to a sandy beach on the west side. Single, over sized parcels are listed for $799,000 to $1,450,000. On the uphill side of the Fish Bay road (you can see in previous “rainbow” picture) is a very nice development called Upper Monte Bay. This development offers paved roads, underground utilities, nice stonework and beautiful, high views to the South over Rendezvous Bay. These parcels are not currently active but have been offered and are still available for $799,000 to $1,450,000. Both neighborhoods are worth taking the time to see. Also available for sale but not in a developer’s section are a couple parcels for $299,900 & $415,000 with nice views into Fish Bay and two more for $475,000 & $560,000 with nice views over Rendezvous Bay. There are some great values out there just ask your Realtor! For more information please contact me at lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell phone 340-344-1825
From beautiful St. John, USVI, Have a sunny weekend! Lynn