One of my favorite things about St. John is all the great hiking trails. Reef Bay is the most popular and it is a tough one when coming back up. I did it yesterday morning and it really was hard on me on the way back up (I really need to get out there more often!). There is a waterfall at the Petroglyphs right now from all the rain we have had lately (see above photo). Not sure you can handle the hike? I highly recommend taking the guided tour with the National Park if you are not sure about your endurance for the hike back up. The boat picks you up at the bottom so you can enjoy the nice hike down and the nice boat ride back! For more information, call the National Park Visitors Center 340-776-6201. I’m always glad to help with questions about the island or questions you may have regarding real estate on St. John, USVI. Please contact me at lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell 340-344-1825 Have a sunny day! Lynn