Along comes Olga! Yesterday evening just as the sun was setting the wind started to freshen, the rains began in earnest and the temperature plunged into the low 70’s. The wind chill factor, I’m certain, was down in the 60’s! The way the trees were swaying was reminiscent of the early approach of a tropical storm. Impossible, I said, hurricane season officially ended on November 30. When I arrived home the first thing I did was close the windows to keep the rain from blowing in and put on some warmer clothes! Then I turned on the Weather Channel to see what was up. It was then that I learned about Olga. That is, “Sub-tropical Storm Olga” which had formed right over the Virgin Islands.
The Miami-based national Hurricane Center issued a special statement at about 8:30 p.m. EST saying satellite, radar and surface observations indicated that an area of low pressure centered over the Virgin Islands had developed into the rare post-season subtropical storm. Go figure!