Estate Fish Bay is a popular area for locals and tourists alike offering protective covenants & restrictions, mostly paved roads, nice water views, cooling tradewind breezes and close to town location. There are currently 14 parcels of land for sale in Fish Bay ranging from $96,130 to $375,000. This year there have been 5 sales ranging from $125,000 to $190,000; nice activity in a slow real estate market….the perfect market that is great for Buyers! If you have been considering investing in the St. John market, now is an excellent time. Parcel 79 is currently on the market for $175,000 and the Sellers would consider some seller financing. For more information on this property or other questions you may have regarding real estate on St. John, please contact me at lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell 340-344-1825
Have a sunny day! Lynn