There has always been much intrigue with Lovango Cay just off of St. John. It’s that dream that pops in your mind when the phones are ringing off the hook and someone is standing in your office doorway wanting to ask a question and you are already late for a meeting, etc……. you think “Calgone take me away!” and your next thought is a beautiful tropical island with no crowds or traffic and no one will stop by because they are in the neighborhood. Your own private escape is available and currently on the market for $975,000!  Two parcels for a total of 2.63 acres of waterfront property; minutes from St. John or St. Thomas. You can have a few big villas or a small hut.  Build what you like, it’s your dream! For more information regarding Lovango or other real estate opportunities on St. John, USVI, Please contact me at lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell 340-344-1825. Have a sunny day!