For those who like statistics, see the latest for St. John sales in 2010 below. These may differ from our MLS statistics as not 100% of sales are through our Multiple Listing Service.

In general, the number of properties sold on St John is relatively small so
that the statistics can be quite erratic from year to year. In 2010, the number of properties sold declined and the total dollar sales increased significantly.

On St. John, the total real estate sales in 2010 were $52.6 million
dollars. This is up 25% from the $42 million in 2009. The total number of
properties sold was 71 (-11 %) from the 80 sold in 2009. This is down from the high of 287 sold in 2002.

The number of homes sold was 26. For the last five years, the number of
homes sold has ranged from 32 to 26. The average price was up 17% and the median price was down 20%. The average price of a home was $1,181,053 and the median price was $780,000. Ten houses sold for over one million dollars.  The highest price was $5,590,000 for a house in Denis Bay.

The number of condo units sold was 9. In 2009, only three condos were
sold. The average price was $580,478.

The number of parcels of land sold (36) was down from 50 last year and
down from 209 in 2003. The median price was up 41% to $190,000. The median price on St. Thomas was $80,000.

For parcels 1 acre and less, 28 were sold. The average parcel was .46
acres at an average price of $251 ,451 per parcel up from $189,326 per parcel in 2009. The 28 parcels of 1 acre or less totaled 12.82 acres. The average price per acre was $549,190 up from $455,391 in 2009.

Five parcels sold for one million dollars or more. A 1.02 acre parcel in
Chocolate Hole sold for $2.55 million. And the Trust for Public Land sold 48.69 acres to the National Park Service in Abraham’s Fancy for $2,244,000.

For information on any real estate on St. John, Virgin Islands contact Merry  340 776-6666