
I have been trying to get clarification on procedures for filing appeals of property tax bills and filing for tax credits.  From what I understand, if you are not in agreement with your new valuation you must first file an “informal” appeal .  The information used to evaluate your property will be checked for accuracy.  If you are still not satisfied you may make a “formal” appeal.  While making a formal appeal you should pay the average of the 2005 and 2006 bills (2005 +2006 /2).

 Tax Credits are also available for such things as Homestead, Senior, Veteran, and Circuit Breaker.  The circuit breaker applies if your  taxes have increased by more than 125% from the year before and household income is less than $135,000. 

See more information on the situation in the Daily News at:

See information on the  credits in a recent article in The Source:

If you have questions or need forms please call the St. John Tax Assessors Office at 34 776-6737 or call me at Islandia

Merry 340 776-6666