
The  Tax Assessor’s Office has announced that the delinquency notices for unpaid property taxes sent out in June have been withdrawn until further updating of the records can be done.  See the Press Release  below.

Property Tax Office Recalls Delinquent Property Tax Notices PDF Print
For Immediate Release No. 034-08

July 10, 2008

For More Information Contact:
Shawna K. Richards, Director of Communications
Ph:  (340) 773-6459 ext. 3129
Fax: (340) 719-3801
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Property Tax  Office Recalls Delinquent Property Tax Notices 

The Division of Property Tax wishes to advise property owners who received notices of delinquent property taxes in June to disregard those notices.  In a joint statement, Tax Assessor Roy Martin and newly appointed Tax Collector Valencio Jackson said the office is taking this action because their office is continuing to work to update property tax records. 

According to Martin, a significant number of the notices issued to property owners were incorrect.  “Prior to issuing the notices, the Division of Property Tax projected a slim margin of error in the records previously maintained by the Department of Finance,” Martin stated.  “We were unaware of the extent of the discrepancies, but given what we have learned it became clear that more time will be  needed to correct years of inefficient records management.  This is why we decided it was best to recall the notices,” said Martin.  The Property Tax Division is working aggressively to create an accurate database of property tax assessments and accompanying payments.

Delinquency notices will be reissued at a later date once the Division of Property Tax has thoroughly reviewed its records and clarified the payment status of Virgin Islands property owners.  In this effort, the Tax Collector asked that any VI property owner who has readily available information that might assist the process of updating the tax records to provide such information to the Tax Collector’s Office.  This can be done by mail to: