New Years Greetings From St John!
2016 sales generally showed an improvement over 2015, though land sales were down a bit.  Number of homes sold were 53 compared with 38 in 2015 – a nice improvement.  Land sales numbered 38 compared with 44 in 2015.  Condo sales were also lower with 10 sold in 2016 compared with 12 sold in 2015.  Drop in number of condos sold corresponds with fewer condo listings in 2016
Total sales on St John’s MLS for 2016 were $149,008,606 compared with $113,335,536 in 2015.  I am happy to report that Islandia had 23.5% of total MLS sales volume on St John compared with our nearest competitor with 15.9%.
We are hoping customers who have been just looking in the past will be ready to pull the trigger now before interest rates increase more.  Feel free to call or E-mail me if you have any questions about the St John market.
Best wishes in 2017.
Merry  merryvi@aol.com  340 642-2246