So far in 2014 the number of sales on St John’s Multiple Listing Service is about the same as this time last year.  There are 153 homes listed for sale and 14 have sold year to date. Two of these sold for between $1M and 2M and three sold from between $2M to $3M.
There have been 2 condo sales so far this year with 24 units on the market.
14 land parcels have sold and 273 are listed for sale.  Three of these parcels sold for over $1M.
Last year more sales occurred in the last half of the year than in the first half and we expect the same this year.  The number of showings has increased recently which bodes well for future sales.
I am happy to see Islandia is still the leading agency in dollar volume of listings as well as in dollar volume of sales.
If you have any questions about real estate and the market here on St John please E-mail or give me a call.   
Merry  340 776-6666