Trash burned in waste to energy plants around the globe:

Waste to Energy

U.S. Virgin Islands Government Signs Contract with Alpine Energy Group to Develop Territory’s First Alterative Energy Plant

Projects Will Use Recycled Solid Waste to Reduce Oil Dependency for Electric Power Generation

Governor John P. deJongh, Jr. said Monday that the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA) has signed two 20-year Power Purchase Agreements and the Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (WMA) has signed two 20-year Solid Waste Management Services Agreements with affiliates of Denver-based Alpine Energy Group LLC (Alpine) to build, own and operate two alternative energy facilities to serve the residents of St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas. The alternative energy facilities, to be built on St. Croix and St. Thomas, with a projected cost of $440 million, will convert an estimated 146,000 tons per year of municipal solid waste into refuse-derived fuel (RDF) using WastAway Services® technology, which will combine with petroleum coke as fuel to generate steam and electric power.

for the entire news release click here