It’s going to take the market quite some time to absorb this large inventory of 205 Westin units on the resale market with only about 20 – 30 units selling per year. It’s a great time to purchase a week or two or perhaps add on to the time you already have at the Westin. I get asked all the time about the lowest pricing of the units so here are the current lowest prices for each size unit: Studio unit week 28 $4,000; 1 bedroom unit week 21 $6,000; 2 bedroom unit weeks 23 & 24 together $10,000; 3 bedroom unit week 35 $9,999. WOW! Contact me for a complete list of units on the resale market. I’m glad to answer any questions you may have about the resale units at the Westin or other questions regarding real estate on St. John, USVI lynngiovanna@gmail.com cell 340-344-1825 If you prefer to rent instead of purchase or perhaps you own a week that you would like to rent, please contact St. John Condos www.stjohncondos.com 340-779-4218. Have a good weekend! Lynn