Seagrass Cottage in Chocolate Hole
Seagrass Cottage in Estate Chocolate Hole

The activity is happening in the price range under $2million. For 2010 year to date there are 25 homes sold/pending with 10 listed under $1million, 10 listed $1-2 million, 4 listed $2-3million and 1 listed for $3,995,000.  “Seagrass Cottange” went under contract this weekend priced at $1,555,ooo (photo above) and “Chez Shell” villa, listed for $999,000, went under contract last weekend. Lots of people out looking! I’m excited to see what activity 2011 will bring.  Any questions about the market? Please contact me at cell phone 340-344-1825.

From beautiful St. John, USVI, have a sunny day! Lynn