DeJongh said he felt his campaign effectively reached the voters, and they showed him support by coming out to vote Tuesday. ‘The residents, the voters, believe we are on the right track,’ deJongh said.When asked whether the margin he won by was what he expected, he said it was a little better than his campaigns polling had predicted. ‘We are very happy with the way it came out,’ he said.
Now that he has another four years in the top job, deJongh said more changes will be made.He said the first thing he and Lt. Gov. Gregory Francis will do is sit down and take a look at the organization of the government and the current leaders in government and see what needs to be changed.
DeJongh first ran for governor against Gov. Charles Turnbull in 2002 but lost. When he ran again in 2006, the vote was split among deJongh, Adlah Donastorg Jr. and Mapp -leading to a runoff between Mapp and deJongh. DeJongh won the runoff election with 57 percent of the vote.