A fantastic morning was had this past  Saturday, Sept. 22nd at Drunk Bay, it was part of the annual Ocean Conservancy International Coastal Cleanup 2012.  Friends of the VI National Park teamed up with the Ocean Conservancy and about 15 volunteers in gathering up all the trash that has washed up on this rocky, windy shoreline.
If you have had the extreme pleasure of visiting Drunk Bay, which is located down the Saltpond trail from Saltpond Bay, you will remember the creative stone sculptures that are ever evolving.  We made sure  those wonderfully quirky pieces of art remained and gathered up about 280 lbs. of junk.  The most frightening bundle was 40lbs. of bailing tape.  That can do a lot of damage to our beautiful sea critters!  We say “Thank you” to Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park http://www.friendsvinp.org/ and the Ocean Conservancy http://www.oceanconservancy.org/our-work/marine-debris/trash-free-seas-icc-2012.html?gclid=CKP41ryY0bICFQQ4nAodyRQAlg for spearheading this much needed and ongoing endeavor.  Janis Searles Jones of  Ocean Conservancy states, “A healthy ocean gives us not only beautiful coasts and vibrant ocean wildlife it gives us much of the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink.  If the ocean isn’t healthy, neither are we.”  And the mantra of  Friends is  “Preserve  Protect  Educate! “ Click on the link above to make the pledge to keep our oceans trash free and if you haven’t already done so, join Friends of the VI National Park.  It’s a good thing.
jane@islandiarealestate.com  340.776.6666 941.544.5855  www.islandiarealestate.com