At Islandia Real Estate we constantly use Google Maps on our listings to give buyers knowledge of the location of the villa or parcel of land that is of interest to them. Â Now Google has taken it a leap further: Â
Click on the link for a fabulous tour of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.  You don’t have to go as far as Australia to view the beauty of the sea, St. John has a 3 mile belt off the island that includes federal submerged lands, the Virgin Islands Coral Reef Monument, “a community under the sea.”
Catlin Seaview Survey in partnership with Google “has been mounting a series of expeditions to capture high-resolution imagery of the Great Barrier Reef and other coral reef locales. Â This will allow the 99.9 percent of the population who have never been diving to go on a virtual dive for the first time,” said Richard Veyers, project director for Catlin Seaview Survey. Â This project is also designed to get a quick read on coral reef health. Â Per scientist, Ove Hoegh-Guldburg, half of the ocean’s coral communities have been lost over the past 40 years.